• Water and Drought: In 2015, the state’s drought took more than 540,000 acres of farmland out of production. The lack of rainfall in the County is a constant struggle.
• Invasive Pests: Ventura County farmers and ranchers engage in constant battles against cropdestroying pests and pathogens that could cripple their production and livelihood.
• Lack of a Farm Workforce: Every year there are many crops that go unpicked because of the shortage of available workers here in Ventura County.
• International Competition: Local farmers have constant pressure and competition from other countries who grow similar crops that are imported into the United States.
• Currently in America we are losing more than one acre of farmland each minute
• 97% of U.S. farms are family-owned and vulnerable to economic forces
• Ventura County farmers donate over 4 million pounds of fresh produce per year to help feed people in need
• California leads all other states in farm derived income, contributing billions to our economy
• Our community has access to countless locally grown fruits and vegetables at much lower prices than more urban areas
• Ventura County farms & ranches contribute $3.5 billion to our County’s economy, provide 43,000 jobs, and $76 million in indirect business taxes annually
• 1 in 10 County residents relies to some degree on income derived from farming
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