Story Of The Avocado

August 14, 2014 Comments Off on Strawberry farming creates 70,000 California jobs. Views: 2053 Economics, Environment

Strawberry farming creates 70,000 California jobs.

A number of key factors have helped make California the heart of the nation’s strawberry production and made it possible for just 400 family farmers to produce nearly 90 percent of all the strawberries grown in the United States. Generations of Skilled Farmers The state’s farmers draw on generations of expertise that benefit from these prime growing conditions. Many have learned their trade from parents and grandparents especially among Mexican-American and Asian-American farming families, who account for an estimated 85 percent of all strawberry farmers.
Innovative Farming Practices For generations, California strawberry farmers have distinguished themselves as innovators who embrace new technologies and opportunities. Whether it’s pioneering drip irrigation, incorporating organic methods or funding research, California strawberry farmers are among the state’s most efficient – producing nearly 90 percent of America’s strawberries on just 0.16 percent of California’s farmland.

– California Strawberry Commission Report | February 2014

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